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Worship Ministries
Vergers – are appointed and trained by the Rector. They assist the priest in scheduling and training acolytes, Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Lay Readers. Before any service they check that everything is ready and all who are to serve are present. After the service they record the statistics for the service. Our 3 Vergers are members of the National Guild, having completed a year of training.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers – serve at the altar on Sunday mornings, help distribute the consecrated elements
Lectors – read the three scriptures assigned for that Sunday
Acolytes – lead the procession, light and extinguish the candles, carry the torches in the procession, assist with the gospel procession
Crucifer – carries the cross in the procession
Gospel Bearer – carries the Gospel book in the procession
Lay Eucharistic Visitors – take communion to those not able to attend due to illness
Ushers – help people find seats and pass out service leaflets
Altar Guild –prepares the church for all worship services, cares for our altar, our fine linens, and the flowers in preparation for all services.
Choir - At Good Shepherd you will hear traditional Christian hymns from the Hymnal (1982), Lift Every Voice and Sing II, and Wonder, Love, and Praise. Most Sundays, the choir will sing a prepared Anthem during the Offertory.
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