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Coming Soon!

Columbarium:  What is it?  A columbarium is a receptacle to hold the cremated remains of a deceased person.


Here’s the plan, so far:


We expect our project planning to be finished soon. This project will also include a labyrinth, styled like the one at Chartres Cathedral in France, just smaller.


The current plan is to build one columbaria structure but the foundation and facility will accommodate the final vision of five. Each structure will contain 60 niches, 5 rows of 12 niches. Each niche will hold the remains of two persons in the provided brass urn.


The completed project will be landscaped, fenced and ADA compliant.  The project will take shape on the lawn across the driveway from the front door of the Church.


There will be larger renderings of our columbarium design available on our website and in our Parish Hall for your perusal. The Parish Hall display will include a sample granite face piece and a brass urn.


Eickhof Columbaria, our builder, is the foremost builder of these structures in the USA and has built more than 600 columbaria in Texas alone.


If you have questions, please contact your Columbarium Committee:  Jane Wilson, Hal Schulz, Nancy Whitehurst, Howard McCarthy or Jon Back.

Columbarium Forms and Documents
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